National Projects Czech Republic
NS/10324-3/09 Development of the guideline for the diagnosis of an occupational lesion of the ulnar nerve | Doc. MUDr. P. Urban, CSc. |
NS/10230-3/09 Rationalization of strategy of oncological treatment of radically inoperable colorectal liver metastases | RNDr. P. Souček, CSc. |
NT11032-6/2010 Analysis of Mobile Genetic Elements Carried Out Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Genes in the Czech Republic | MUDr. H. Žemličková, Ph.D. |
NS/9648-4/08 Health risks of local skin toxicity determined by alternative toxicological methods in vitro | MUDr. D. Jírová, CSc. |
NS/9802-4/08 Semilongitudinal study of somatic development and injury incidence in school children | RNDr. S. Janoušek |
NS/9799-4/08 Study of relation between expression profiles in tumor tissue and result of chemotherapy of breast carcinomas | RNDr. P. Souček, CSc. |
NS/9803-4/08 Resistance of breast and ovarian cancer to cytostatics due to ABC transporters and relation of kinesins to prognosis and prediction |
MUDr. I. Gut, DrSc. |
NR/9642-4/08 Evolution of oxacilin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the Czech Republic and its consequences. | MUDr. H. Žemličková, Ph.D. |
NS/9647-4/08 Acute toxicity of a binary and ternary mixtures and a way of its prediction | RNDr. M. Rucki, Ph.D. |
NS/9644-4/08 Biological monitoring and risk evaluation occupational glycolether exposure | Ing. V. Stránský, CSc. |
NS/9643-4/08 The presence of sortase enzymes SrtB, SrtC and SrtD in clinical isolates of Streptocococcus pneumoniae and their role in the virulence and resistance to antimicrobials. | MUDr. H. Žemličková, Ph.D. |
NS/9645-4/08 Determinants of risk patterns in alcohol use in the young adult population: analysis of medical, social, and psychological context | MUDr. H. Sovinová |
NS/9974-4/08 Elaboration of guidelines for assessment of growth of a breastfed child pursuant to a comparison of growth of exclusively breastfed children with both, current Czech growth charts and the standards of the World Health Organisation. | Ing. J. Vignerová, CSc. |
NT/11424-4/10 Study of the usability of meningococcal vaccines designed using reverse vaccinology methods in the Czech Republic | MUDr. P. Křížová, CSc. |
NT11429-5/10 Effect of long-term asymptomatic Toxoplasma gondii infection on the immune and clinical state of HIV-positive patients | RNDr. P. Kodym, CSc. |
NT/11425-5/10 Mapping of natural foci of zoonoses transmissible to humans and evaluation of their change due to the climate modifications. | MUDr. B. Kříž, CSc. |
NS/9972-4/08 Nutritional status assessment of elderly people in the institutionalised care | Mgr. A. Krsková, Ph.D. |
NT/11159-5/10 Mapování výskytu makrolidové rezistence původce syfilis v ČR a molekulární typizace jednotlivých syfilitických kmenů | MUDr. Hana Zákoucká |
NT/12493-3/2011 Virological and genetic characteristics of influenza A viruses in relationship to the clinical severity of infection | MUDr. M.Havlíčková, CSc. |
NT/12051-3/2011 Ochratoxin A – health risk assessment for selected population groups in the Czech Republic | doc. MVDr. V.Ostrý, CSc. |
NT/12025-4/2011 Molecular-biological and histopathological characteristics of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes as instrument of prediction of risk of early colorectal cancer recurrence | RNDr. P.Souček, CSc. |
203/09/1583 Occurrence of residues of human pharmaceuticals in drinking water and their health risks | MUDr. F. Kožíšek, CSc. |
301/09/0362 Role of caspase-2 in apoptosis induction by taxanes in breast cancer cells | Ing. M. Ehrlichová |
210/10/0554 Magnetic speciation of atmospheric PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 collected at sites with different air quality | RNDr. B. Kotlík, Ph.D. |
310/07/0675 Mucosal immunization by influenza virus type A | MUDr. M. Havlíčková, CSc. |
310/07/1430 Molecular and genetic characreristics of sporadic colorectal cancer in the Czech Republic | MUDr. L. Vodičková, CSc. |
203/09/0148 Modern methods of detection and determination of microbial toxins | Doc. MVDr. R. Karpíšková, Ph.D. |
310/09/0459 Role of bacteriophages in horizontal transfer of virulence and drug rezistance genes in Staphylococcus aureus | RNDr. P. Petráš, CSc. |
525/09/0102 Bioaccumulation of rare earth elements by green algae, impact on their physiology and cell cycle | RNDr. M. Rucki, Ph.D. |
406/09/0611 Cognitive determinants of health related behavior | Doc. PhDr. V. Kebza, CSc. |
203/09/0256 Selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry studies of volatile compounds emited by bacterial cultures | Doc. RNDr. A. Nemec, Ph.D. |
304/10/1286 DNA repair and sporadic colorectal cancer | RNDr. P. Souček, CSc. |
407/10/2410 Studying optimal development longitudinally: potential of Prague and Brno studies on life-span development | Doc. PhDr. V. Kebza, CSc. |
P209/11/1985 Temporal and spatial patterns of links between weather and morbidity due to cardiovascular diseases | MUDr. B. Kříž, CSc. |
KAN 200520702 Nanoimunosenzory pro detekci cytokinů | MUDr. M. Havelková |
IAAX01110901 The role of adrenergic signaling and oxidative stress in molecular mechanisms of cardioprotection induced by chronic hypoxia | RNDr. J. Mráz, CSc. |
2B06048 Microbiological risks in dairy processing – detection and preventive measures | Doc. MVDr. R. Karpíšková, Ph.D. |
2B08009 Minimalization of negative effects caused by synanthropic vertebrates on human health and environment. | Doc. RNDr. P. Rödl, CSc. |
2B08075 QSAR model for toxicity assessment of chemical mixtures | RNDr. M. Rucki, Ph.D. |
2B08050 Listeria monocytogenes - procedures enabling reliable quality and safety assesment of dairy products, phases of technological processes, final products and their storge | Doc. MVDr. R. Karpíšková, Ph.D. |
2B08051 New strategy of biological monitoring of mutagens and carcinogens | RNDr. J. Mráz, CSc. |
SMSM2009VZ009 ISI Web of Knowledge | Mgr. J. Veselá |
QH91146 Comprihesive method of protection of stored grain and milled cereals products against rodenst and insects with the employment of authomatic processes. | Doc. RNDr. P. Rödl, CSc. |
SP-1a6/108/07 Zdokonalení a zpřesnění modelování znečištění ovzduší a získání podkladů pro predikci zdravotního rizika | MUDr. H. Kazmarová |
FR-TI1/177 Development and practical testing of biocide preparates with the concentration on effectivity increase and widening the range of application. | MUDr. V. Melicherčíková, CSc. |
FR-TI1/391 Research of technology for sensitive and quantitative detection of human imunodeficiency virus (HIV) and optimization of PCR based diagnostic method | Mgr. M.Linka |
FR-TI1/494 Výzkum technologií a metod odstraňování těžkých kovů platinové skupiny z biologických odpadů a možností jejich recyklace | MUDr. M. Zimová, CSc. |
TA01020675- New methodological approach to control and evaluation of bathing waters | Mgr. P. Pumann |
TA01010552- Využití membrán s nano-póry pro snožování zdravotních rizik VOC z malých vodních zdrojů ke koupaní | MUDr. M. Zimová, CSc. |
TA01010613- Aqueous nanodispersions for functional surface treatment | MUDr. D.Jírová, CSc. |