Prevention of antimicrobial resistance
Name of the Project: Prevention of antimicrobial resistance
Reg. No: ZD-PDP2-001
Project start date and end date: 01/12/2019 – 30/11/2023
Funded by: EEA grants 2014-2021
Programme: Health
Project Promoter: National Institute of Public Health, Prague, Czech Republic
Project partner: Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway
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Project website:
The Prevention of antimicrobial resistance project (ZD-PDP2-001) was supported by a grant of CZK 67,737 million from the European Economic Area Funds 2014–2021 from the Health program.
Project goal
The project “Prevention of antimicrobial resistance” aims at prevention of inappropriate or unnecessary use of antibiotics. The planned activities are a reaction to the rise of antibiotic resistance, which is caused mainly by overuse and misuse of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine, as well as by insufficient prevention measures and infection control facilitating the spread of resistant microbes in healthcare facilities and among general population. The main activity of the project will be social mass-media campaign aimed at general public. The aim or the activity is to increase awareness of general public about the risks or inappropriate use of antibiotics and build sustainable approach in the society to the wise use of antibiotics. The second part or the project is oriented towards health care providers. Guidelines for health care providers, mainly general practitioners and paediatricians, on rational use of antibiotics will be developed and introduced to health care providers at seminars across the Czech Republic. Based on data obtained front health insurance companies, the selected health care providers will be also offered feedback with regard to the use of antibiotics in their own practices. An increased level of awareness on importance of rational use of antibiotics and promotion of tailored treatment recommendations should contribute to the stop of increasing trends of antibiotic consumption in the Czech Republic.
Contact information
Statutory representative: Barbora Macková, M.D.
Main contact person: Associate Professor Helena Žemličková, M.D., Ph.D. (e-mail: helena.zemlickova@szucz)
Contact persons appointed by the Partner are:
Hanne-Merete Eriksen-Volle (e-mail: hanne-merete.eriksen@fhino)
Karan Samareh Golestani (e-mail: karan.golestani@fhino)
Project publicity
For the outputs of the project, please see the project web page where all project materials are stored.