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Department of Air-Borne Bacterial Infections


Head: Jana Kozáková, M.D.


The activities of the Department focus on: 1) identification, confirmation, and detailed characterization of bacterial agents, 2) detection of antibodies, 3) molecular typing of selected isolates, 4) surveillance programs and their relevance to vaccination strategy updating, 5) participation in vaccine development studies, 6) development of novel methods, 7) maintenance of the Czech National Collection of Type Cultures, 8) methodical guidance for microbiology laboratories at the country-wide level, 9) participation in international studies, 10) data reporting to the international databases TESSy, MLST, and EMERT. Within the Microbiology Laboratory Proficiency Testing Program, the NRL for Streptococci and Enterococci is responsible for the EQAS – Streptococcus pyogenes serology. This Program is accredited by the Czech Accreditation Institute within the NIPH Proficiency Testing Expert Group.

The following four national reference laboratories (NRLs) are part of the department:



