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Home » Centres » Centre of Toxicology and Health Safety » Unit for Alternative Toxicological Methods » Research
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Research activities - grant projects


IGA MZ ČR, č.IZ/3985-3 "Phototoxic effects of xenobiotics - test methods in vitro" (1996-1998)

GA AV ČR, č. A4050301 "Hydrophilic polymers with bonded saccharides for biological applications" (2003-2005)

6th Framework Programme EU, Contract No. 003956 "NOMIRACLE" (NOvel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of CumuLative stressors in Europe)

Projekty CRAFT (6th Framework Programme EU):

- "AMAY" , Contract No. COOP-CT-2005-513216-AMAY (Aloe Vera –
Maximising yield of effective compounds and development of natural
cosmetic products with standardised content of these compounds,

- "PLASTER+", Contract N°: 031287 (Innovative production of high
quality indoor plaster by adding cattail fibre, 2006-2008)

MPO ČR, č. FT-TA3/050 "Photoprotective personal devices" (2006-2008)

IGA MZ ČR, NR/8780-3 "Relationship between quantitative composition and acute toxicity of binary and ternary mixtures" (2006-2008)

MŠMT, 2B08075 "QSAR model for assessment of mixtures toxicity" (2008-2011)

IGA MZ ČR, NS9647-4 "Acute toxicity of a binary and ternary mixtures and a way of its prediction" (2009-2011)

IGA MZ ČR, NS 9648-4/2008 " Health risks of local skin toxicity determined by alternative toxicological methods in vitro " (2009-2011)

TA ČR, TA01010613. "NANOCOVER - Aqueous nanodispersions for functional surface treatment " (2011-2014)
