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ECDC - project HERA

Enhancing Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and/or Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) national infrastructures and capacities to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic.

Name of the Project: Grant/2021/PHF/23776 - Enhancing Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and/or Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) national infrastructures and capacities to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic.

Grant Number: ECDC/HERA/2021/004 ECD.12218

Project Duration: from 03/09/2021 to 30/9/2022

Funding: The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)  

Grant: Grant/2021/PHF/23776

The Name of the Call: Enhancing Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and/or Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) national infrastructures and capacities to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic in the European Union and European Economic Area

Beneficiary: National Institute of Public Health

Affiliated Entities:

  • Public Health Institute Ostrava
  • Public Health Institute Ústí nad Labem
  • Faculty of Science, Charles University
  • Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Centre for Infectious Animal Diseases in Czech University of Life Science Prague
  • The Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine

The action „Enhancing Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and/or Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) national infrastructures and capacities to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic“has received funding from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) under GRANT/2021/PHF/23776. 


Project Goals:

The general objective of the action is to enhance and/or improve national public health WGS and/or RT-PCR capacity. Results should be directed, tailored and contributing towards the following expected outcomes:

  • In the short-term, contribution to the establishment of a sustainable, efficient and high capacity WGS and/or RT-PCR infrastructure for national public health microbiology;
  • In the short/medium-term, contribution to early detection and enhanced monitoring of emergent and known SARS-CoV-2 variants at the national and the EU/EEA levels;
  • In the medium/long-term, contribution to enhanced genomic-based infectious disease outbreak investigation capacities at regional, national and/or EU/EEA levels;
  • In the medium/long-term, contribution to enhanced routine genomic-based surveillance of infectious diseases at the regional, national and/or EU/EEA levels, in accordance with the “ECDC strategic framework for the integration of molecular and genomic typing into European surveillance and multi-country outbreak investigations”; and
  • In the long-term, contribution to enhanced preparedness for timely and effective response in cross-border outbreaks of infectious diseases and pandemics.


Contact Person Responsible for the Application

RNDr. Helena Jiřincová, tel.:267082421, e-mail: helena.jirincova@szu_cz



Jak se čte genom koronaviru


Výměna zkušeností - příprava knihoven, vyhodnocení vzorků, výpadky primerů v důsledku mutací


Fylogenetické analýzy v kostce


Webinář NRL pro chřipku


HERA Odborný bioinformatický seminář

Webinář NRL pro chřipku


Webinář NRL pro chřipku


Reports from project HERA

Sledování variant SARS-CoV-2 v České republice za období prosinec 2021

Sledování variant SARS-CoV-2 v České republice za období leden 2022

​Sledování variant SARS-CoV-2 v České republice za období únor 2022

​Sledování variant SARS-CoV-2 v České republice za období březen 2022

Sledování variant SARS-CoV-2 v České republice za období duben 2022

Presentations from project HERA

ARI_surveillance_in_covid_times.pdf ARI_surveillance_in_covid_times.pdf (2,34 MB)
Coronavirus_mutations.pdf Coronavirus_mutations.pdf (7,19 MB)
Evaluating_diagnostic_performance_of_SARS_CoV_2_AG_RDTs_based_on_data.pdf (2,35 MB)

HERA_ECDC_09_03_22.pdf HERA_ECDC_09_03_22.pdf (1,48 MB)
HERA_prezentace.pdf HERA_prezentace.pdf (256,01 KB)
NIZP_prezentace_algoritmu_data_GISAID_pilot_9_11_2.pdf NIZP_prezentace_algoritmu_data_GISAID_pilot_9_11_2.pdf (1,60 MB)
NIZP_prezentace_WHS_capacity_building.pdf NIZP_prezentace_WHS_capacity_building.pdf (689,23 KB)
Prvni_detekce_Britske_varianty.pdf Prvni_detekce_Britske_varianty.pdf (8,95 MB)
RSV_surveillance_in_covid_times_.pdf RSV_surveillance_in_covid_times_.pdf (1,62 MB)
SARS_CoV2_evolution_of_structural_proteins_08_06_2022.pdf SARS_CoV2_evolution_of_structural_proteins_08_06_2022.pdf (9,52 MB)
SARS_evoluce_CZ_DIa_Sorin.pdf SARS_evoluce_CZ_DIa_Sorin.pdf (4,79 MB)
SARS_lab_detekce_variant_omicron_01_12_21.pdf SARS_lab_detekce_variant_omicron_01_12_21.pdf (1007,81 KB)
Sekvenace_SARS_CoV_v_Biocevu_HERA_meeting_29_11_2021.pdf Sekvenace_SARS_CoV_v_Biocevu_HERA_meeting_29_11_2021.pdf (1,06 MB)
Spike_omikron_19_01_2022.pdf Spike_omikron_19_01_2022.pdf (4,93 MB)
Vostrak_NRL_algoritmus_prezentace_01_12_2021.pdf Vostrak_NRL_algoritmus_prezentace_01_12_2021.pdf (2,07 MB)
WHO_var_21_03_02_22.pdf WHO_var_21_03_02_22.pdf (1,75 MB)
WHO_var_21_10_02_22.pdf WHO_var_21_10_02_22.pdf (2,43 MB)
WHO_var_21_27_01_22.pdf WHO_var_21_27_01_22.pdf (1,71 MB)

Project Publicity

Project related press releases in the Czech language only
