Echinokokóza - eu "case" definice
(Echinococcus spp)
Clinical Criteria
Not relevant for surveillance purposes
Diagnostic Criteria
At least one of the following five:
– Histopathology or parasitology compatible with Echinococcus multilocularis or granulosus
(e.g. direct visualization of the protoscolex in cyst fluid)
– Detection of Echinoccocus granulosus pathognomonic macroscopic morphology of cyst(s)
in surgical specimens
– Typical organ lesions detected by imaging techniques (e.g.: computerized tomography,
sonography, MRI) AND confirmed by a serological test
– Echinococcus spp. specific serum antibodies by high-sensitivity serological test AND
confirmed by a high specificity serological test
– Detection of Echinococcus multilocularis or granulosus nucleic acid in a clinical specimen
Epidemiological Criteria NA
Case Classification
A. Possible case NA
B. Probable case NA
C. Confirmed case
Any person meeting the diagnostic criteria